The first book in the series, Origin Andromeda: The Beginning, is a science fiction adventure book that follows Henrik Harlacker, a seemingly ordinary man who lives a quiet life with his wife Joanna. Until one day, when a strange gift lands on his desk, his world is turned upside down. When he touches it, he gets visions of a distant galaxy, and they are thrown into an intergalactic battle between good and the forces of greed and cruelty.

Join Henrik Harlacker on an adventure through space and time. Face the dangers that await you on your journey to the Andromeda galaxy. Buy the book from your preferred bookstore.



Audiobook version, masterfully narrated by Christian Neale.

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Book 1

The Beginning


Book 2



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Book 3

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readers favourite

"The author gave a unique, in-depth presentation of the weapons and engineering systems in use that I found fascinating. He used likeable characters like Davood, an incredible engineer, and simple, understandable terms to help integrate the new high-tech subjects into the reader's mind. I have read many sci-fi books over the years and thought I was familiar with most terms and acronyms, but I learned a few new things along the way. Everything about this novel is fantastic, and I hope to read more by this author. Terrific work." 5/5 stars- Alex Ndirangu for Readers' Favorite

- Full Review Here

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